Boot into Windows 7 and run the following commands
1. Goto Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > right click on the command prompt and run as administrator
2. In Windows 7, the options in Bootmenu can be changed using "bcdedit" command
3. In order to view the various commands available with bcdedit, run "bcdedit /?"
4. Inorder to make an OS default, run "bcdedit /default {legacy}". For example, to make current OS as default run "bcdedit /default {current}".
5. Inorder to change the description of an OS, run "bcdedit /set {legacy} Description "Windows 7 32bit".
tags:how to edit the boot manager in windows 7, editing the boot menu in windows 7, how to change the description windows 7, command for changing the boot menu in windows 7, how to change the default boot os in windows 7